106th bombardment groupの例文


  1. When the Korean War broke out in June 1950, the entire 106th Bombardment Group was federalized and brought to active duty.
  2. On 28 March 1951, the California Air National Guard "'106th Bombardment Group "'was activated to federal service at March and put on active duty.


  1. "106th air refueling group"の例文
  2. "106th air refueling squadron"の例文
  3. "106th air refueling wing"の例文
  4. "106th air transport wing"の例文
  5. "106th battalion"の例文
  6. "106th bombardment squadron"の例文
  7. "106th bombardment wing"の例文
  8. "106th brigade"の例文
  9. "106th cavalry group"の例文
  10. "106th cavalry regiment"の例文
  11. "106th air transport wing"の例文
  12. "106th battalion"の例文
  13. "106th bombardment squadron"の例文
  14. "106th bombardment wing"の例文

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