106th cavalry groupの例文


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  1. During the next two days, the 106th Cavalry Group fought its final major engagement.
  2. After just over a month's break, the 106th Cavalry Group returned to the front lines.
  3. The 106th Cavalry Group arrived in France under the command of Colonel Vennard Wilson, a Regular Army officer.
  4. They were first committed to combat on 2 July 1944 with the Louvigne and Rennes with the 106th Cavalry Group.
  5. The camp was liberated by a task force comprising the 2nd Battalion, 114th Regiment, 106th Cavalry Group and 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion.


  1. "106th battalion"の例文
  2. "106th bombardment group"の例文
  3. "106th bombardment squadron"の例文
  4. "106th bombardment wing"の例文
  5. "106th brigade"の例文
  6. "106th cavalry regiment"の例文
  7. "106th congress"の例文
  8. "106th delaware general assembly"の例文
  9. "106th division"の例文
  10. "106th foot"の例文
  11. "106th bombardment wing"の例文
  12. "106th brigade"の例文
  13. "106th cavalry regiment"の例文
  14. "106th congress"の例文

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