106th congressの例文


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  1. Hastert said as he addressed his colleagues in the 106th Congress.
  2. I will not be a candidate for speaker of the 106th Congress.
  3. He has committed only to a vote sometime during the 106th Congress.
  4. Hormel can remain ambassador until the 106th Congress adjourns in fall 2000.
  5. They received the support of Senators John McCain ( 106th Congress ).


  1. "106th bombardment squadron"の例文
  2. "106th bombardment wing"の例文
  3. "106th brigade"の例文
  4. "106th cavalry group"の例文
  5. "106th cavalry regiment"の例文
  6. "106th delaware general assembly"の例文
  7. "106th division"の例文
  8. "106th foot"の例文
  9. "106th guards airborne division"の例文
  10. "106th hazara pioneers"の例文
  11. "106th cavalry group"の例文
  12. "106th cavalry regiment"の例文
  13. "106th delaware general assembly"の例文
  14. "106th division"の例文

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