107th ohio general assemblyの例文


  1. A member of the 107th Ohio General Assembly, Gamble was a member of the first state legislature following redistricting from the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  2. STATEHOUSE1839 was blocked on 11 March 2010 and Jansport87's first edit was within an hour and their first mainspace edit was to add some details to 112th Ohio General Assembly, which was created two days earlier by STATEHOUSE1839 . On 19 June Jansport87 was threatened with a block and their last edit was on the 20th, which was shortly followed by Gldnegls's first edit, which was to George Distel started by STATEHOUSE1839 . Their second edit was to 107th Ohio General Assembly, edited by both prior accounts and later by LAVINA4194.


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