1092 ceの例文
- Nizam ul-Mulk was finally assassinated en route from Isfahan to Baghdad in 1092 CE . According to several books, he was assassinated by a member of Hashshashin, a group of the Ismaili sect of Shi'a Islam.
- However, this claim is historically inaccurate : Durlabha died around 1070 CE, while Karna lived until 1092 CE . Moreover, the earlier Chahamana records ( such as " Prithviraja Vijaya " ) do not mention any such conflict.
- In 485 H ( 1092 CE ) the prosperity of the Seljuq empire was severely disturbed by the assassination of the brilliant vizier Nizam al-Mulk, followed very soon afterwards by that of his master, Alp-Arslan's son, Sultan ghulam ( soldier-slave ) of a former ally, Aq-Sonqur, whom he had executed a few months earlier for attempting to abandon the campaign of conquest.