110 nanometerの例文


  1. The capsid has a diameter of ~ 110 nanometers ( nm ) is embedded in a proteinaceous matrix called the tegument, which in its turn is enclosed by a glycoprotein-containing lipid envelope with a diameter of about 200 nm.


  1. "110 meters high hurdles"の例文
  2. "110 meters hurdles"の例文
  3. "110 metre hurdles"の例文
  4. "110 metres"の例文
  5. "110 metres hurdles"の例文
  6. "110 people who are screwing up america"の例文
  7. "110 plaza"の例文
  8. "110 propositions"の例文
  9. "110 propositions for france"の例文
  10. "110 provost company"の例文
  11. "110 metres"の例文
  12. "110 metres hurdles"の例文
  13. "110 people who are screwing up america"の例文
  14. "110 plaza"の例文

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