

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. An ounce of low-fat chips has about 110 calories.
  2. 1 / 2 cup warm water ( 105 to 110 degrees)
  3. Ceballos said after Friday's 110-103 exhibition opener.
  4. The December contract fell 110 basis points to 462.30.
  5. The payroll ceiling will be 110 percent of the average payroll.


  1. "11 westferry circus"の例文
  2. "11 years cycle"の例文
  3. "11-脱氢皮质酮"の例文
  4. "11-脱氢皮质甾酮"の例文
  5. "11-脱氧皮质醇"の例文
  6. "110 above"の例文
  7. "110 above festival"の例文
  8. "110 ad"の例文
  9. "110 bc"の例文
  10. "110 bce"の例文
  11. "11-脱氢皮质甾酮"の例文
  12. "11-脱氧皮质醇"の例文
  13. "110 above"の例文
  14. "110 above festival"の例文

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