1164 ceの例文
- Therefore, the battle can probably be dated before 1164 CE.
- The 1164 CE Delhi-Shivalik pillar inscription states that Vigraharaja conquered the region between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas.
- Vijayachandra faced a Ghaznavid invasion, which he seems to have repulsed sometime before 1164 CE . His focus on guarding the eastern frontiers against the Ghaznavids may have led to the neglect of the kingdom's western border, which later resulted in a Sena invasion.
- According to them, the king swept away the world's suffering with tears from the eyes of Hammira's wife . " Hammira " ( the Sanskritized form of Chahamana king Vigraharaja IV had captured Delhi by 1164 CE, and is believed to have expelled the Turushkas ( Turkic people, that is, Ghaznavids ).