11949 kagayayutakaの例文


  1. "' 11949 Kagayayutaka "', provisional designation, is an asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt, approximately 23 kilometers in diameter.
  2. Some of his discoveries include ( in alphabetical order ) the minor planets 4263 Abashiri ( Florian asteroid ), 4585 Ainonai, 46610 B閟ixdouze, 5331 Erimomisaki, 3915 Fukushima, 5474 Gingasen ( Vestian binary ), 9971 Ishihara, 11949 Kagayayutaka, 5481 Kiuchi, 6498 Ko ( slow rotator ), 6500 Kodaira ( a Mars-crosser ), 6980 Kyusakamoto ( Koronian asteroid ), 4607 Seilandfarm ( rare-type binary ), 5357 Sekiguchi and 5692 Shirao.


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