

  1. The newer 11A511U core had been introduced in 1973, but the existing stock of 11A57s took another three years to use up.
  2. "' Soyuz TM-29 "'was a Russian manned spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome aboard a Soyuz 11A511U rocket.
  3. The uprated 11A511U core was introduced to the R-7 family in 1973, yielding the carrier rocket variant named Soyuz-U, although adoption across the board was not complete until 1977 when the existing stock of 11A511-derived boosters was used up.


  1. "119号元素"の例文
  2. "119乐队"の例文
  3. "119年"の例文
  4. "11a511"の例文
  5. "11alive"の例文
  6. "11d33m"の例文
  7. "11d426"の例文
  8. "11d428"の例文
  9. "11d428a"の例文
  10. "11a511"の例文
  11. "11alive"の例文
  12. "11d33m"の例文
  13. "11d426"の例文

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