11th indian brigadeの例文


  1. As dusk approached the " Afrika Korps " and " Ariete " armoured division intervened to relieve the Young Fascist garrison at point 174 and cause mayhem in 11th Indian Brigade.
  2. On 10 December, the 16th Infantry Brigade was brought forward from 4th Indian Division reserve and with part of the 11th Indian Brigade under command, advanced in lorries to attack Sidi Barrani.
  3. Hundreds of men from the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders ( part of the 11th Indian Infantry Brigade ), supported by tanks and by an artillery barrage, attacked the positions of the I Battalion, while the rest of the 11th Indian Brigade, supported by Valentine tanks of the 7th Armoured Division, attacked the lines of the II Battalion, further north.


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  8. "11th indian infantry brigade"の例文
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  11. "11th independent mixed brigade"の例文
  12. "11th independent spirit awards"の例文
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  14. "11th indian division"の例文

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