12 againの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. Colorado coach Ricardo Patton is ruffling feathers in the Big 12 again.
  2. We're capable of winning the Big 12 again ."
  3. It's great to be 12 again ."
  4. He also doesn't expect the Cardinals to go 4-12 again.
  5. It feels like I'm 12 again.


  1. "11月8日"の例文
  2. "11月9日"の例文
  3. "11月的萧邦"の例文
  4. "12 field ambulance"の例文
  5. "12 in a row"の例文
  6. "12 air experience flight"の例文
  7. "12 and a half angry men"の例文
  8. "12 and holding"の例文
  9. "12 angry lebanese"の例文
  10. "12 angry men"の例文
  11. "12 field ambulance"の例文
  12. "12 in a row"の例文
  13. "12 air experience flight"の例文
  14. "12 and a half angry men"の例文

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