12 string bass guitarの例文


  1. During this period, Petersson s 12 string bass guitar was developed in collaboration with Hamer Guitars.
  2. The 11 song collection of original compositions features the sounds of his custom Warwick 12 string bass guitar on 5 songs.
  3. The first known 12 string bass guitar, the " Hamer Quad, " was designed by Jol Dantzig and built in 1977 for Tom Petersson by Hamer Guitars.
  4. Fronted by vocalist &'stand up'drummer Joey Anderson along with Randy Gregg on 4, 8 & 12 string bass guitars, the New York based rock trio exposed Randy to a slew of studio and stage experience.


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  5. "12 string bass"の例文
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  11. "12 string acoustic"の例文
  12. "12 string bass"の例文
  13. "12 string guitar"の例文
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