12 traditionsの例文


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  1. Because that fellowship did not want to follow the 12 traditions written by AA, the two NA fellowships never united.
  2. In addition, many NA groups were not following the 12 traditions very closely ( which were quite new at the time ).
  3. This version of NA did not follow the 12 Traditions of NA, which resulted in problems for the fellowship and ultimately the end of that NA in the late 1970s.
  4. It is also suggested that one should find a sponsor who has not only worked the 12 steps of Pills Anonymous, but who also has an understanding of the 12 traditions of Pills Anonymous.
  5. So have its position as the first senior major and the first 72-hole tournament on the schedule, and the quality of the field _ seven of the 12 Traditions have been decided by one stroke.


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