123d catchの例文


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  1. Autodesk 123D Catch, ENSAIS Engineering College TIPHON ( Traitement d'Image et PHOtogramm閠rie Num閞ique ).
  2. "' Zebra Imaging "'develops 123D Catch can be viewed on a holographic display while they are actively being edited.
  3. Late in 2011 Autodesk announced the launch of 123D Make and 123D Catch offerings using Ponoko Personal Factory TM to offer fabrication services to users of these tools.
  4. Alternatives that carry out dense automated modeling similar to the PhotoModeler Scanner product are : AdamTech 3DM, Topcon Imagemaster, Autodesk s 123D Catch, Pix4D, and PhotoScan.
  5. I have been searching for open source free applications that do the same thing as 123d Catch and can't find anything, mostly I need software where I can put a set of images into it and it spits out a 3d model.


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