123d catchの例文
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- Autodesk 123D Catch, ENSAIS Engineering College TIPHON ( Traitement d'Image et PHOtogramm閠rie Num閞ique ).
- "' Zebra Imaging "'develops 123D Catch can be viewed on a holographic display while they are actively being edited.
- Late in 2011 Autodesk announced the launch of 123D Make and 123D Catch offerings using Ponoko Personal Factory TM to offer fabrication services to users of these tools.
- Alternatives that carry out dense automated modeling similar to the PhotoModeler Scanner product are : AdamTech 3DM, Topcon Imagemaster, Autodesk s 123D Catch, Pix4D, and PhotoScan.
- I have been searching for open source free applications that do the same thing as 123d Catch and can't find anything, mostly I need software where I can put a set of images into it and it spits out a 3d model.