129th divisionの例文


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  1. Deng was appointed top political officer of the 129th Division.
  2. On 5 March, the PLA 127th and 129th Divisions entered Lang Son City.
  3. His first position under Mao, as the deputy commander of the 129th division, was effectively a demotion.
  4. During the Sino-Japanese War, he was the vice director of the political department of the 129th Division.
  5. In October 1952 the division was transferred to 129th Division was transferred to the division and renamed as 396th Regiment.


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  5. "129th delaware general assembly"の例文
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  7. "129th field artillery regiment"の例文
  8. "129th illinois volunteer infantry regiment"の例文
  9. "129th infantry brigade"の例文
  10. "129th infantry division"の例文
  11. "129th air resupply squadron"の例文
  12. "129th delaware general assembly"の例文
  13. "129th field artillery"の例文
  14. "129th field artillery regiment"の例文

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