1316 adの例文
- The Latin equivalent fortuna audentes juvat " is used as the motto for the Turing family, dating back to 1316 AD.
- He led three campaigns in Southern India from 1294 to 1316 AD, and set the stage for the consequent arrival of the Madurai Sultanate.
- Al al-D + n Khalj + , a Sultan of the Khilji dynasty who ruled over most of North, West and parts of Eastern India, from 1296 to 1316 AD, legalized the enslavement of the jizya and kharaj defaulters.
- It records the completion of a mosque during the governorship of " Ikhtiyr al-Dawla wa al-D + n Tamur Sulmn + by Ism + l, son of Abd al-Salm, entitled Waj + h-i Naj + b, the " mu % arrir " of the district ( " khimma " ) of Kol ( Aligarh ) during the reign of Al'al-Duny wa al-D + n Abu al-Mu?affar Mu % ammad Shh ( i . e . Al'al-D + n Khalj + , popularly known as Alauddin Khilji, d . 1316 AD ).
- Noori disputes the claim that the first Muslims came to India along with Alauddin Khilji between 1296 1316 AD and points out that according to renowned historian, Henry Miers Elliot, ( " The History of India as told by its own Historians ", Part I ) the first ship bearing Muslim travellers was seen on the Indian coast as early as 630 AD . H . G . ( Hugh George ) Rawlinson, in his book : " Ancient and Medieval History of India ", claims the first Arab Muslims settled on the Indian coast in the last part of the 7th century AD . Bartholomew also has similar things to say about the early Muslim settlers in India.