1335 ceの例文
- Numismatic evidence points to 1335 CE as the founding year.
- The ca . 1335 CE " Usa hachiman no miya engi " ?[ POkQa ^ ?[ ~ w?" History of the Hachiman Shrine at ?[ ] in length . " Wheeler ( 2005 : 521 ) cites records that the tide jewels were preserved in the Uda Shrine around 1185 CE and the Kagoshima Shrine in 1916.
- He was born in the month of Rajab in 735 H . corresponding to 1335 CE . He learned the Qur'an and memorized it, and when he was a teenager, he became a disciple of a highly renowned scholar of Hadith, Abd Al-Raheem ibn Al-Hussain ibn Abd Al-Rahman, who was better known as Zain Al-Deen Al-Iraqi.
- The earlier Prithviraj Chauhan era or possibly earlier, pre-existing canal was dug out and renovated in 1335 CE by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, excessive silting caused it to stop flowing in 1750 CE, the British raj undertook a three-year renovation and remodeling of Western Yamuna Canal in 1817 by Captain GR Blane or Bengal Engineer Group, he died in 1821 CE and in 1832-33 Tajewala Barrage dam at Yaumna was built to regulate the flow of water.
- The earlier Prithviraj Chauhan era or possibly earlier, pre-existing canal was dug out and renovated in 1335 CE by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, excessive silting caused it to stop flowing in 1750 CE, the British raj undertook a three-year renovation in 1817 by Captain GR Blane or Bengal Engineer Group, in 1832-33 Tajewala Barrage dam at Yaumna was built to regulate the flow of water, in 1875-76 Pathrala barrage at Dadupur and Somb river dam downstream of canal were built, in 1889-95 the largest branch of the canal " Sirsa branch " was constructed, the modern Hathni Kund Barrage was built in 1999 to handle the problem of silting to replace the older Tajewala Barrage.