1335 ceの例文


  1. Numismatic evidence points to 1335 CE as the founding year.
  2. The ca . 1335 CE " Usa hachiman no miya engi " ?[ POkQa ^ ?[  ~ w?" History of the Hachiman Shrine at ?[ ] in length . " Wheeler ( 2005 : 521 ) cites records that the tide jewels were preserved in the Uda Shrine around 1185 CE and the Kagoshima Shrine in 1916.
  3. He was born in the month of Rajab in 735 H . corresponding to 1335 CE . He learned the Qur'an and memorized it, and when he was a teenager, he became a disciple of a highly renowned scholar of Hadith, Abd Al-Raheem ibn Al-Hussain ibn Abd Al-Rahman, who was better known as Zain Al-Deen Al-Iraqi.
  4. The earlier Prithviraj Chauhan era or possibly earlier, pre-existing canal was dug out and renovated in 1335 CE by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, excessive silting caused it to stop flowing in 1750 CE, the British raj undertook a three-year renovation and remodeling of Western Yamuna Canal in 1817 by Captain GR Blane or Bengal Engineer Group, he died in 1821 CE and in 1832-33 Tajewala Barrage dam at Yaumna was built to regulate the flow of water.
  5. The earlier Prithviraj Chauhan era or possibly earlier, pre-existing canal was dug out and renovated in 1335 CE by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, excessive silting caused it to stop flowing in 1750 CE, the British raj undertook a three-year renovation in 1817 by Captain GR Blane or Bengal Engineer Group, in 1832-33 Tajewala Barrage dam at Yaumna was built to regulate the flow of water, in 1875-76 Pathrala barrage at Dadupur and Somb river dam downstream of canal were built, in 1889-95 the largest branch of the canal " Sirsa branch " was constructed, the modern Hathni Kund Barrage was built in 1999 to handle the problem of silting to replace the older Tajewala Barrage.


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