134th divisionの例文


  1. The " 134th division " was disarmed 25 August 1945, after suffering 471 men killed in the short campaign.
  2. As the positions at Songhua River were deemed untenable, the " 134th division " have started retreat to Fangzheng County after a few delaying skirmishes.
  3. Since the divisional radio equipment breakdown 11 August 1945, the " 134th division " situation is unknown, with no contemporary records covering period prior to surrender of Japan 15 August 1945.


  1. "134th brigade"の例文
  2. "134th aero squadron"の例文
  3. "134th air refueling wing"の例文
  4. "134th defense systems evaluation squadron"の例文
  5. "134th delaware general assembly"の例文
  6. "134th fighter group"の例文
  7. "134th fighter squadron"の例文
  8. "134th illinois volunteer infantry regiment"の例文
  9. "134th infantry division"の例文
  10. "134th infantry regiment"の例文
  11. "134th defense systems evaluation squadron"の例文
  12. "134th delaware general assembly"の例文
  13. "134th fighter group"の例文
  14. "134th fighter squadron"の例文

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