1370 ceの例文


  1. The Pemmasani warriors were previously serving the Kakatiya dynasty as army commanders and migrated to Vijayanagar in 1370 CE after the downfall of the Musunuri Nayaks.
  2. The Pemmasani warriors were previously serving Kakatiya dynasty as army commanders and migrated to Vijayanagar in 1370 CE after the downfall of Musunuri Nayaks in Warangal.
  3. They came into prominence during Kamma clans previously serving Kakatiya dynasty as army commanders and migrated to Vijayanagar in 1370 CE after the downfall of Musunuri Nayaks in Warangal.
  4. A later amir, Wali of Mazandaran ( Tabaristan ) first attempted to conquer the district of Ray in 772 H ( 1370 CE ), but was defeated by Uwais, a leader of the Mongol Djalayirid tribe.


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  8. "1370年"の例文
  9. "1371 ad"の例文
  10. "1371年"の例文
  11. "1370 am"の例文
  12. "1370 bc"の例文
  13. "1370 hella"の例文
  14. "137052 tjelvar"の例文

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