15 park rowの例文
もっと例文: 1 2
- They were held at 15 Park Row for 8 weeks with limited external communication.
- On May 3, 1920, the defenestration of Andrea Salsedo occurred from the fourteenth floor of 15 Park Row at 4 : 20 am.
- The union bargained through the day Friday with negotiators for the society at its offices at 15 Park Row, but talks broke off at 5 p . m.
- Joined together at 90 Church Street are Legal Aid units and bureaus that were divided among buildings at 15 Park Row and 841 Broadway in Manhattan and 175 Remsen St . and 166 Montague St . in Brooklyn.
- One of the first structures to be called a skyscraper, the Park Row Building ( also known as'15 Park Row') is located at the western end of Park Row, opposite City Hall Park.