150 000 000の例文


  1. Mayakovsky's 1921 poem, " 150 000 000 " failed to impress Lenin, who apparently saw in it little more than a formal futuristic experiment.
  2. In 1921 Mayakovsky's poem " 150 000 000 " arrived, hailing the Russian people's mission in igniting the world revolution, but failed to impress Lenin.
  3. After his poem's " 150 000 000 " s release, Mayakovsky took one copy, wrote upon its cover : " To Comrade Vladimir Ilyich with our ComFut greetings, Vladimir Mayakovsky " and sent it.
  4. On 6 May 1921 in the course of one of the Soviet government's meetings Lenin forwarded a note to Lunacharsky : " You should be ashamed of yourself, having supported the printing of 5 thousand copies of Mayakovsky's " 150 000 000 ".


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