159th fighter interceptor groupの例文


  1. In 1958, the 122nd was authorized to expand to a group level, and the 159th Fighter Interceptor Group was established by the National Guard Bureau on 1 April 1958.
  2. In 1958, the 122d Fighter-Interceptor Squadron was authorized to expand to a group level, and the 159th Fighter Interceptor Group was established by the National Guard Bureau on 1 April 1958.


  1. "159th aviation regiment"の例文
  2. "159th cab"の例文
  3. "159th combat aviation brigade"の例文
  4. "159th division"の例文
  5. "159th fighter group"の例文
  6. "159th fighter interceptor squadron"の例文
  7. "159th fighter squadron"の例文
  8. "159th fighter wing"の例文
  9. "159th infantry brigade"の例文
  10. "159th infantry regiment"の例文
  11. "159th division"の例文
  12. "159th fighter group"の例文
  13. "159th fighter interceptor squadron"の例文
  14. "159th fighter squadron"の例文

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