161 bcの例文


  1. In 161 BC the " Phormio " of Terence was acted at these games.
  2. In fact, their influence was so great that the Roman government expelled many rhetoricians and philosophers in 161 BC.
  3. "' Antiochus V Eupator "'( Greek Seleucid Empire who reigned 163 161 BC ( based on dates from 1 Maccabees 6 : 16 and 7 : 1 ).
  4. Epiphanes'young son, Antiochus V Eupator, was first overthrown by Seleucus IV's son, Demetrius I Soter in 161 BC . Demetrius I attempted to restore Seleucid power in Judea particularly, but was overthrown in 150 BC by Alexander Balas  an impostor who ( with Egyptian backing ) claimed to be the son of Epiphanes.
  5. Much is written of the great war of 205 BC to 161 BC between Elara for the City of Anuradhapura, and the central role played by Dutugemunu s "'Ten Giant Warriors ( ??????????) "'or the great warriors ( " dasa maha yodhayo " in sinhalese )  the " dasa maha yodha ".


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  11. "161 ad"の例文
  12. "161 athor"の例文
  13. "161 bce"の例文
  14. "161 ce"の例文

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