1613 bcの例文


  1. BC ( c . 1613 BC . ) The exact origins of prayer beads remain uncertain, but their earliest historical use probably traces to Hindu prayers in India.
  2. Libaya ( c . 1630 BC  c . 1613 BC ), successor and possibly either son or brother of Bel-bani, ruled over a relatively peaceful, secure, and stable Assyria Little is currently known of many of the kings that followed such as Sharma-Adad I ( c . 1613 BC  c . 1602 BC ), Iptar-Sin ( c . 1602 BC  c . 1590 BC ), Bazaya ( c . 1590 BC  c . 1562 BC ), Lullaya ( c . 1562 BC  c . 1556 BC ), Shu-Ninua ( c . 1556 BC  c . 1542 BC ), and Sharma-Adad II ( c . 1542 BC  c . 1539 BC .)
  3. Libaya ( c . 1630 BC  c . 1613 BC ), successor and possibly either son or brother of Bel-bani, ruled over a relatively peaceful, secure, and stable Assyria Little is currently known of many of the kings that followed such as Sharma-Adad I ( c . 1613 BC  c . 1602 BC ), Iptar-Sin ( c . 1602 BC  c . 1590 BC ), Bazaya ( c . 1590 BC  c . 1562 BC ), Lullaya ( c . 1562 BC  c . 1556 BC ), Shu-Ninua ( c . 1556 BC  c . 1542 BC ), and Sharma-Adad II ( c . 1542 BC  c . 1539 BC .)


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