161st infantry regimentの例文


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  1. The 161st Infantry Regiment and 104th Transport Regiment were concentrated at Daya Bay.
  2. Collins placed his 161st Infantry Regiment in reserve.
  3. Between 15 and 22 January, the 161st Infantry Regiment hunted the remainder of Nishiyama's battalion in the nearby gorge of the southwest Matanikau fork.
  4. Turning a flashlight onto one cave wall, Chauwin revealed a German inscription carved in July 1915 by W . Schmitz of the 9th Company, 161st Infantry Regiment.
  5. In the center of the Italian front of attack the 161st Infantry Regiment was tasked with taking Hill 1050 but its advance met with a strong barrage delivered by the Bulgarian artillery.


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  11. "161st infantry brigade"の例文
  12. "161st infantry division"の例文
  13. "161st intelligence squadron"の例文
  14. "161st motor rifle division"の例文

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