162 adの例文


  1. Emperor Lucius Verus and general Gaius Avidius Cassius were sent in 162 AD to counter the resurgent Parthia.
  2. He participated in the Roman Parthian War of 161 166 under the commander of Emperor Lucius Verus, likely as a Suffect Consul for the remainder of the year 162 AD.
  3. Against this, a Roman edict of 162 AD acknowledges the importance of " Artemesion ", the annual Ephesian festival to Artemis, and officially extends it from a few holy days over March April to a whole month, " one of the largest and most magnificent religious festivals in Ephesus'liturgical calendar ".
  4. The Votadini were a Brythonic people who lived under the direct rule of Rome between Hadrian's Wall and the Antonine Wall from 138-162 AD . When the Romans withdrew behind Hadrian's Wall in 164 AD, they left the Votadini as a client kingdom, a buffer zone against the Picts in the north.


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