164th divisionの例文


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  1. The 164th Division was a Korean unit, composing of basically Korean soldiers.
  2. Under the flag of 164th division it took part in the Chinese Civil War, especially in the Siege of Changchun.
  3. By late October 1942, the Eighth Army, now commanded by German 164th Division and trap the greater part of it against the sea.
  4. The "'164th Division "'( ) ( 2nd Formation ) was created in October 1950 basing on the Security Division of Northeastern Military Region.
  5. On 25 June, a French attack by the 164th Division supported by flame-throwers, captured the deep " Dragon's Cave " shelter at Hurtebise and adjacent positions, from which they repulsed a German counter-attack at the end of June.


  1. "164th air defense artillery brigade"の例文
  2. "164th air transport group"の例文
  3. "164th airlift group"の例文
  4. "164th airlift squadron"の例文
  5. "164th airlift wing"の例文
  6. "164th expeditionary airlift squadron"の例文
  7. "164th fighter squadron"の例文
  8. "164th infantry division"の例文
  9. "164th infantry regiment"の例文
  10. "164th marine brigade"の例文
  11. "164th airlift squadron"の例文
  12. "164th airlift wing"の例文
  13. "164th expeditionary airlift squadron"の例文
  14. "164th fighter squadron"の例文

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