1650 in englandの例文


  1. On June 11, 1650 in England, granted " a pass for Mr . Batt [ Capt . John Batte ] and Mr . Danby [ Sir Thomas Danby ], for themselves and seven score men, women, and children, to go to New Albion . " Edmund Plowden granted to Sir Thomas Danby a lease of ten thousand acres, one hundred of which were " on the northeast end or cape of Long Island, " and the rest in the vicinity of Watsessett, presumed to be near the present Salem, New Jersey, with " full liberty and jurisdiction of a court baron and court leet, " and other privileges for a'Town and Manor of Danby Fort, " conditioned on the settlement of one hundred " resident planters in the province, " not suffering " any to live therein not believing or professing the three Christian creeds commonly called the Apostolical, Athanasian, and Nicene . " The lease,'The Lease from the Earl Palatine to Sir T . Danby'was described in the papers of Charles Varlo.


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  6. "1650 in france"の例文
  7. "1650年"の例文
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  11. "1650 ce"の例文
  12. "1650 heckmann"の例文
  13. "1650 in france"の例文
  14. "1650年"の例文

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