165th infantry brigadeの例文


  1. Sometime in 1939, the brigade was redesignated "'165th Infantry Brigade " '.
  2. The unit was reconstituted 24 June 1921 in the Organized Reserves as headquarters and Headquarters Company, 165th Infantry Brigade, and assigned to the 83rd Division.
  3. The location of the garrison was changed 22 March 1934 to Dayton, Ohio, then Redesignated 24 August 1936 as headquarters and Headquarters Company, 165th Infantry Brigade.
  4. Following reactivation and transfer to the Training and Doctrine Command, the 2d and 4th Battalions-IET, BCT-, 39th Infantry Regiment departed Fort Dix, New Jersey for 165th Infantry Brigade at Fort Jackson, organized with a headquarters company and six line ( training ) companies, designated A through F.


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