16th rifle divisionの例文


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  1. It faced Soviet 11th and 16th Rifle Divisions of the 5th Army.
  2. In the morning of September 21, 6th Legions Brigade surprised Soviet 16th Rifle Division, and captured all villages, except for Brzostowica Mala.
  3. In Voronezh two cavalry divisions were formed, two rifle divisions and two rifle regiments in Nizhniy Novgorod, and the 16th Rifle Division in Tambov . Artillery units too were also being raised in the capital area.
  4. Polish activities were noticed by General Kork, who sent his 33rd Rifle Division towards Ciechan體, ordering it to recapture the town and then continue its advance towards PBoDsk, together with 4th and 16th Rifle Divisions.


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