1714 adの例文


  1. The family line stems from the House of Stuart and the House of Orange on the maternal side, which ruled England from 1603 to 1714 AD . The paternal line stems from the House of Palatinate-Simmern, a line that originates from the House of Wittelsbach.
  2. After that Aurangazeb, granted a mansab of 2, 500 rank and jagir of 12 lakhs to Raja Swarup Singh, a Bundela Rajput chieftain, along with the killedari ( Fort Commandership ) of Gingee in 1700 AD . Raja Swarup Singh died of old age in 1714 AD . His arrears of payments due to the faujdari amounted to 70 lakhs, being a defaulter for ten years.


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