1745 uprisingの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. His son, also called Thomas was later involved in the 1745 Uprising.
  2. Their son, Charles Douglas, 5th Lord Mordington, was a 1745 uprising.
  3. During the 1745 uprising it was again held by Jacobites and visited twice by Bonnie Prince Charlie.
  4. Ultimately unsuccessful in preventing the 1745 uprising and not needed after the Highland Clearances, the Bernera Barracks are now ruined.
  5. Charles Radclyffe escaped to France but was captured in 1745 on his return to support the 1745 uprising and was executed in 1746.


  1. "1745 jacobite rebellion"の例文
  2. "1745 jacobite rising"の例文
  3. "1745 jacobite uprising"の例文
  4. "1745 rebellion"の例文
  5. "1745 rising"の例文
  6. "174517"の例文
  7. "1745年"の例文
  8. "1746 ad"の例文
  9. "1746 bc"の例文
  10. "1746 brouwer"の例文
  11. "1745 rebellion"の例文
  12. "1745 rising"の例文
  13. "174517"の例文
  14. "1745年"の例文

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