174th attack wingの例文


  1. In 2012 members of the 174th Attack Wings Security Forces Squadron deployed to Bagram Airfield Afghanistan.
  2. In 2008, the New York Air National Guard 174th Attack Wing began the transition from CIA, U . S . Customs and Border Protection, NASA, and the militaries of several other countries.
  3. The "'174th Attack Wing ( 174 ATKW ) "'is a unit of the New York Air National Guard, stationed at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York.
  4. The "'138th Attack Squadron ( 138 ATS ) "'is a unit of the New York Air National Guard 174th Attack Wing located at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York.


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  13. "174th brigade"の例文
  14. "174th fighter wing"の例文

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