17th pursuit groupの例文


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  1. It was assigned without reserve personnel to the 17th Pursuit Group at March Field, California and equipped with Boeing P-12 fighters.
  2. It was re-organized and re-designated as the "'34th Pursuit Squadron "', and assigned to the new 17th Pursuit Group at March.
  3. He next served in Washington, D . C ., in the Office of the Chief of Air Corps, and in December 1930 went to Rockwell Field, California, as Commanding Officer of the 17th Pursuit Group there in October 1931.
  4. The activation of the "'17th Pursuit Group "'and several subordinate units along with the arrival of the 1st Bombardment Wing initiated a period where March Field became associated with the Air Corps'heaviest aircraft as well as an assortment of fighters.
  5. Its 17th Training Group is a successor of the "'17th Pursuit Group "', one of the 15 original combat air groups formed by the Army before World War II, which later became the 17th Bombardment Group ( Medium ) and provided the crews and aircraft for the Doolittle Raid.


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