18 stepsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. The agenda outlines 18 steps for the next 12 to 18 months.
  2. In 1985, the 18 steps were covered by panchaloka and later covered with gold.
  3. When Mooney was gunned down in the 18 Steps pub last spring, no one was surprised.
  4. In 1990, Barry Trost presented an enantioselective synthesis of rocaglamide in 18 steps and confirmed its absolute configuration.
  5. Soon graffiti appeared on a North Belfast wall, observing, " Moneybags took 18 steps too many ."


  1. "18 singles"の例文
  2. "18 songs"の例文
  3. "18 squadron"の例文
  4. "18 stafford terrace"の例文
  5. "18 stepney causeway"の例文
  6. "18 stone of idiot"の例文
  7. "18 street"の例文
  8. "18 street gang"の例文
  9. "18 strikeouts"の例文
  10. "18 strings"の例文
  11. "18 stafford terrace"の例文
  12. "18 stepney causeway"の例文
  13. "18 stone of idiot"の例文
  14. "18 street"の例文

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