183 seriesの例文


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  1. The name was revived from 1 September 1990 as the Limited express using KiHa 183 series DMUs.
  2. Prior to 12 March 2011, services were operated using 3-car 183 series EMUs trains based at Fukuchiyama Depot.
  3. The service started in 2002, and is operated using 6-or 9-car 183 series or 189 series EMUs.
  4. 183 series EMUs were formerly used on some services, but were withdrawn by the start of the revised timetable on 16 March 2013.
  5. From 27 July 1991, four " Tokachi " services were upgraded to become " Super Tokachi " using KiHa 183 series DMU sets including bilevel Green cars.


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  7. "183 street"の例文
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  9. "1830 ad"の例文
  10. "1830 bc"の例文
  11. "183 club"の例文
  12. "183 istria"の例文
  13. "183 sqn"の例文
  14. "183 street"の例文

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