184 bcの例文


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  1. He consecrated this temple twenty years later ( 184 BC ).
  2. In 183 BC / 184 BC, the rebels in Lower Egypt surrendered on the basis of terms that Epiphanes had personally promised to honor.
  3. Earliest sources of reference indicate a pre-Estrucan script, indicating a much earlier occupation of the area than the 184 BC Picentes colony.
  4. In 184 BC the praetor " Aulus Ternentius Varro " and " Publius Sempronius Longo " were assigned Hispania Citerior and Ulterior respectively.
  5. Around 184 BC Emperor Qianshao ( Liu Gong ) discovered that he was not monarch, so he is also not included in the list of emperors of the Han Dynasty.


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