186 adの例文


  1. In from Ostia Antica, an inscription from around 186 AD, an entire naval unit a detachment of the fleet at Misenum is named as dedicator.
  2. Its 4, 186 ad-page total includes two separately staffed Forbes supplements : the extravagant executive lifestyle quarterly FYI and a bimonthly technology book, Redwood City, Calif .-based ASAP . Moreover, ad pages were up 19 percent in the first quarter of 1995.
  3. However, the 22 selected samples used to obtain an average date of 1, 819 ?17 years BP ( 131 ) had much larger standard deviations than the average date itself . were due to this eruption, which therefore can be dated exactly to 186 AD . However, recent radiocarbon dating by R . Sparks has put the date at 233 AD ?13 ( 95 % confidence ).


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  14. "186 bc"の例文

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