187th infantry brigadeの例文


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  1. Neither the 187th Infantry Brigade nor the 167th Support Group were ever deployed to Iceland.
  2. Since the Mexican-American War, however, the lower rank of 187th Infantry Brigade ).
  3. The next two summers found it New York bound again, supporting the Army Reserve's 187th Infantry Brigade ( Separate ).
  4. The 187th Infantry Brigade was reactivated as an active duty training unit at Fort Leonard Wood, MO on 23 January 2007 and inactivated on 17 May 2007.
  5. 5th Battalion shares all of the lineage of the regiment, and served as the Direct Support Battalion of the 187th Infantry Brigade ( Separate ) of the U . S . Army Reserve.


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  12. "187th glider infantry regiment"の例文
  13. "187th infantry division"の例文
  14. "187th infantry regiment"の例文

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