1903 filmの例文
もっと例文: 1 2
- This 1903 film, directed by Edwin S . Porter, used white actors in blackface in the major roles and black performers only as extras.
- M閘i鑣's 1903 film " The Inn Where No Man Rests " used a plot very similar to that of " The Bewitched Inn ", but expanded it considerably.
- By 1909 " rubbernecking " was used to describe the wagons, automobiles and buses used in tours around American cities, " Chinese Rubbernecks " was the title of a 1903 film.
- Scorsese has noted that Edwin S . Porter's 1903 film, " Life of an American Fireman ", had greatly influenced " The King of Comedy "'s visual style.
- It looks at the history of three-dimensional art, from Renaissance canvases to stereoscope photographs and viewers to the Lumiere brothers'1903 film " L'Arrivee du Train, " in which a locomotive appeared to plow out of the screen, sending moviegoers of that time shrieking from the theater.