もっと例文: 1 2
- The Habakkuk Commentary ( 1QpHab ) was one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947 and published in 1951.
- The Wicked Priests pursuit of the Teacher of Righteousness to the " house of his exile " ( 1QpHab 11.6 ) on the " Feast of Tabernacles.
- Due to its early discovery and rapid publication, as well as its relatively pristine preservation, 1QpHab is one of the most frequently researched and analyzed scrolls of the several hundred now known.
- The original seven scrolls from Cave 1 at Qumran are the Pesher on Habakkuk ( 1QpHab ), the War Scroll ( 1QM ), the Thanksgiving Hymns ( 1QH ), and the Genesis Apocryphon ( 1QapGen ).
- The prediction of column 7 of 1QpHab that " the final age shall be prolonged " is sometimes interpreted to mean that the Habakkuk Commentary was written approximately 40 years after the death of the Teacher of Righteousness & mdash; the time when the final age should have ended, according to the Damascus Document.