a dishclothの例文


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  1. Using a dishcloth to secure a good grip, pull off the membrane.
  2. Make-ahead note : You can peel and dice potatoes a few hours in advance, and keep them wrapped in a dishcloth; but you would not want to cook the lamb ahead of time.
  3. Make-ahead note : You can peel and dice potatoes a few hours in advance and keep them wrapped in a dishcloth, but you would not want to cook the lamb ahead of time.
  4. The entry has it about right . ( And one washes dishes with a dishcloth, and dries them with a tea towel ! ) talk ) 21 : 27, 5 May 2008 ( UTC)
  5. They travel to Saint Ninian's, and with distraction, taunts, and a dishcloth they pretend is the tapestry they are able to snatch the genuine tapestry, passing it to each other like relay runners as they flee.


  1. "a dish best served cold"の例文
  2. "a dish mop"の例文
  3. "a dish of"の例文
  4. "a dish of tea"の例文
  5. "a dish of vegetables"の例文
  6. "a disheveled woman"の例文
  7. "a dishonour to"の例文
  8. "a dishwasher"の例文
  9. "a disingenuous person"の例文
  10. "a disintegrin and metalloprotease"の例文
  11. "a dish of tea"の例文
  12. "a dish of vegetables"の例文
  13. "a disheveled woman"の例文
  14. "a dishonour to"の例文

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