a heart of goldの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. orphan with a love of art and a heart of gold .
    芸術と心優しい人を こよなく愛する孤児
  2. he's the most absentminded man , but he has a heart of gold .
    慌て者ですが 心のきれいな男です
  3. so , donald hauser was a swindler with a heart of gold .
    じゃ ドナルド・ハウザーは 親切な心を持つ詐欺師だったの?
  4. an assassin with a heart of gold .
  5. an appropriate gift because it is for somebody that heshe has a heart of gold and heshe is an exemplary employee .
    それもそのはず... これを贈るのが それにふさわしい出納係だからだ


  1. "a heart heavy with remorse"の例文
  2. "a heart insusceptible of pity"の例文
  3. "a heart irregularity"の例文
  4. "a heart loaded down with grief"の例文
  5. "a heart massage"の例文
  6. "a heart of stone"の例文
  7. "a heart operation"の例文
  8. "a heart pure from taint"の例文
  9. "a heart rhythm monitor"の例文
  10. "a heart loaded down with grief"の例文
  11. "a heart massage"の例文
  12. "a heart of stone"の例文
  13. "a heart operation"の例文

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