absolute ownerの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. On B s death, A ( if alive ) becomes absolute owner of the farm.
  2. But, unless they were to take successively as absolute owners, I cannot discover what estates they were intended to take.
  3. Today, he is absolute owner in the team led by Arm阯io Moura, in the Flamengo's youth team, but want to get the core team.
  4. After continuous hard work for five years, on 14 August 1934, Mohan Singh Oberoi became the sole and absolute owner of Hotel Carlton, Shimla.
  5. During the landed aristocracy of Britain . in 1793, the zamindars were created absolute owners of the estates, and not just representatives of the sovereign rulers


  1. "absolute order"の例文
  2. "absolute order of discharge"の例文
  3. "absolute organization"の例文
  4. "absolute orientation"の例文
  5. "absolute other"の例文
  6. "absolute ownership"の例文
  7. "absolute pacifist"の例文
  8. "absolute par"の例文
  9. "absolute parallelism"の例文
  10. "absolute past"の例文
  11. "absolute orientation"の例文
  12. "absolute other"の例文
  13. "absolute ownership"の例文
  14. "absolute pacifist"の例文

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