abuse materialsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The majority of investigations the ACMA conducts concern online child sexual abuse material.
  2. He continues to conduct further research into digital evidence capturing for Child Abuse Material and Human Trafficking of children.
  3. In 2012 Dr Watt completed a PhD with the University of South Australia area of research was Trafficking and Concealment of Child Abuse Material.
  4. I'm not at all sure that the Lynndie England or in fact any of the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse material belongs.
  5. The ACMA's online role is not connected to ISP blocking'worst of the worst'child abuse material operated by ISPs and the Australian Federal Police


  1. "abuse defense"の例文
  2. "abuse definition"の例文
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  4. "abuse excuse"の例文
  5. "abuse liability"の例文
  6. "abuse me"の例文
  7. "abuse of a corpse"の例文
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  9. "abuse of a dominant position"の例文
  10. "abuse of alcohol"の例文
  11. "abuse excuse"の例文
  12. "abuse liability"の例文
  13. "abuse me"の例文
  14. "abuse of a corpse"の例文

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