

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. In 1795, the Achenese gave it to Kuala Selangor.
  2. Achenese guerrillas have been waging a struggle against Indonesian rule since the mid-1970s.
  3. But factors beyond Achenese control encourage hope that the momentum towards reconciliation can be sustained.
  4. The Achenese people will suffer a lot.
  5. Abdullah also said the status of the Achenese immigrants is still being discussed by the US Embassy and some related officials.


  1. "achenbach"の例文
  2. "achenbach house"の例文
  3. "achenbaum"の例文
  4. "achene"の例文
  5. "achenes"の例文
  6. "acheng"の例文
  7. "acheng district"の例文
  8. "achenkirch"の例文
  9. "achenkovil"の例文
  10. "achensee"の例文
  11. "achene"の例文
  12. "achenes"の例文
  13. "acheng"の例文
  14. "acheng district"の例文

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