acicular crystalの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Cyanotrichite forms velvety radial acicular crystal aggregates of extremely fine fibers.
  2. It is bright yellow in colour and usually has an acicular crystal habit.
  3. Recrystallization from toluene forms acicular crystals.
  4. Clinoclase is a rare secondary copper mineral and forms acicular crystals in the fractured weathered zone above copper sulfide deposits.
  5. Ulexite is found in evaporite deposits and the precipitated ulexite commonly forms a " cotton ball " tuft of acicular crystals.


  1. "acicula parcelineata"の例文
  2. "aciculae"の例文
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  6. "acicular crystals"の例文
  7. "acicular ferrite"の例文
  8. "acicular martensite"の例文
  9. "acicular needles"の例文
  10. "acicular structure"の例文
  11. "acicular blastic texture"の例文
  12. "acicular cast iron"の例文
  13. "acicular crystals"の例文
  14. "acicular ferrite"の例文

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