

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Don't be actin'like no Canadians ."
  2. Microinjected actin is quickly removed from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
  3. The complex then serves to anchor actin filaments to the membrane.
  4. The actin microfilaments also define the stromule shape through their interactions.
  5. This is different from actin treadmilling since the entire protein moves.


  1. "actinotrocha"の例文
  2. "actinotus"の例文
  3. "actinotus minor"の例文
  4. "actinozoa"の例文
  5. "actinozoas"の例文
  6. "actinyl"の例文
  7. "actio"の例文
  8. "actio commodati"の例文
  9. "actio commodati contraria"の例文
  10. "actio confessoria"の例文
  11. "actinozoa"の例文
  12. "actinozoas"の例文
  13. "actinyl"の例文
  14. "actio"の例文

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