adhere to the treatyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  1. History goes that all of them decided to adhere to the treaty.
  2. Adhering to the treaty would make developing such arms almost impossible.
  3. The economic sanctions and pressures must be removed before we adhere to the Treaty,
  4. India and Pakistan were making toward adhering to the treaty, but said more was necessary.
  5. India and Pakistan were making towards adhering to the treaty, but said more progress is still necessary.


  1. "adhere to an agreement"の例文
  2. "adhere to the four cardinal principles"の例文
  3. "adhere to the one china principle"の例文
  4. "adhere to the original plan"の例文
  5. "adhere to the principle of"の例文
  6. "adhered"の例文
  7. "adhered cell"の例文
  8. "adhered substance"の例文
  9. "adhered to"の例文
  10. "adhereing"の例文
  11. "adhere to the original plan"の例文
  12. "adhere to the principle of"の例文
  13. "adhered"の例文
  14. "adhered cell"の例文

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